Information for lux Co-Investigators

Group Management

Each Co-I on the lux project has an access group they can manage, which allows for you to enable access to your students, postdocs, and collaborators directly.

For people with existing UCSC CruzID accounts, just follow the Adding Users directions below to enable their access to lux. No intervention from ITS or Brant is needed, and you can manage your access group directly. These accounts share your resources, disk space, group accounting, etc. Once you’ve enabled their access, just direct them to Getting Started and Using lux for further information.

For external collaborators without a UCSC CruzID account, you will need to request a sundry account (see more info here). The sundry accounts will grant your collaborator a CruzID, but may only be authorized for one year at a time (renewable annually). As long as the sundry account is active and in your access group, your collaborator will be able to connect to lux. The sundry accounts will have the same resources as others in your access group. Also, please be sensitive to the ongoing UCSC-based research on lux and realize that enabling access to external competitors can reduce our institutional colleagues’ competitive advantage.

Adding Users

Here are instructions for adding users to your lux access group:

  • Log onto using your CruzID and Gold password.
  • On the blue menu, click Advanced->Group Management.
  • This should take you to the Group Management page, and you should see a group called lux-[your last name]. Please click that link.
  • You should now see Manage Group - lux-[your last name]. You can then click + Group Members and add someone by name or CruzID.
  • If you have questions or issues, please email Brant.